Other Functions
User Inventory
Store Items

Store Items

Store Items are items that can be purchased with Steam Overlay. These items can be anything from in-game currency to cosmetic items. In this guide, we will show you how to create and manage store items in your game.

Enable Inventory Service

To create a new store item, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Steamworks Developer (opens in a new tab) site and log in with your Steam account.

  2. On the Steamworks Developer site, click on Steamwork Settings and go to Inventory Service under Community.

    You can also use the following direct link but make sure to change your appid in the end of the link:

    https://partner.steamgames.com/apps/inventoryservice/{appid} (opens in a new tab)

    picture 0

  3. On the Inventory Service page, make sure to enable the Inventory Service for your game.

    picture 2

Create a New Store Item

Before creating a item, we need to get the ItemDef (opens in a new tab) schema ready. I am going to use a basic schema for this guide which I am sharing below.

Please note, this is the only way to get the item info right! All info like Images, Prices, Description go into this Json schema.

  1. Create a new empty Json file and paste the ItemDef schema in it. I am sharing a basic schema below and if you are using the same, please make sure to change the appid and itemdefid as per your game.


	"appid": 2056610,
	"items": [
		"itemdefid": 10,
		"type": "item",
		"name": "Game Currency",
		"name_color":  "7D6D00",
		"price": "1;USD99",
		"background_color":  "3C352E",
		"item_slot": "Currency",
		"icon_url": "https://i.ibb.co/H7ypYhr/Achieved.jpg",
		"icon_url_large": "https://i.ibb.co/H7ypYhr/Achieved.jpg",
		"tradable": true,
		"marketable": true
  1. On the Inventory Service page, upload the ItemDef schema file.

    picture 3

    Now reload the page and you will see the item you just created under the Item Definitions section.

    picture 4

Fetching the Store Items from Steam Backend

Loading the store items from the Steam backend is a simple process. Sharing the code for the process below :

Cannot view the code? Click here (opens in a new tab)

Purchase Store Item

After you have the ItemId from the above code, you can use the StartPurchase function to purchase the item. Sharing the code for the process below :

Important Note : This is a basic implementation where I just used the ItemDefId to purchase the item.

picture 5